Growing up as a kid everyone has a superhero they want to be whether it’s Ironman, Capitan America, or Batman. As you grow out of the cartoon and comic phase (we hope you never do) you start to look up to hero’s that play College and Pro Sports. At least that is what the kids and teenagers in my neighborhood did as we pushed closer to our high school days.
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Now as you know there has not been many young boys or girls running around wearing Colorado Football Jersey’s or shirts having the Buffs Football Program not been ranked since the 2005 season. That is changing quickly and a recent photo of two teenage boys standing with Colorado Running Back Phillip Lindsay is more than a sign that Colorado Football is back.
Here is the backstory to a photo that has gone viral on social media…
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A long time subscriber of the Colorado Rivals Site took a photo of his two teenage boys standing with Running Back Phillip Lindsay after the Buffs 20-10 win over UCLA. Mr. Eller we’ll call him gave us the backstory.
Are you a big Colorado Football Fan?
“I did not attend Colorado, I actually grew up in Montana and Colorado was a close D1 program that I started to follow during the Sal Aunese tragedy. I moved to Colorado in 1996 and have been a season ticket holder since 2000.”
Are your sons big Colorado Football Fans?
“My son Jayson (left in the photo) who attends Pomona High School and my son Logan (right in the photo) who attends Westlake Middle School are both huge Colorado Football Fans. Unfortunately, they have grown up not knowing the pride and tradition that once revolved around Colorado Football.”
What do they like most about Phillip Lindsay?
“They love Phillip because he is a Colorado kid and have watched his interviews and love his passion, they also love his hair. During the photo, Phil even asked the boys if their hair was real. Phil also said that he appreciated them supporting him and the Buffs and asked if they would be going to their next game in Arizona. The boys said of course and that they would wear their Lindsay Costumes to the game.”
As a father and a fan, how does this make you feel?
I loved that Phil took the time to meet with my kids. We travel to a lot of Buff games and rarely miss a home game. We went to Michigan and will go to Arizona this weekend, we have even bought PAC 12 Championship Tickets. It’s nice to see that Coach MacIntyre is developing great football players and better great young men. It feels great to be a Buff Fan Again!”
Final Thought
There is nothing better than seeing college and pro sports players take time out of their walk back to the locker room to make time for kids. It’s also clear that young men are dreaming of becoming Buff Superheroes again, the Tasmanian Devil aka Phillip Lindsay is a good one to model.